
Ayurveda & Keraliya Panchakarma


Ayurveda As Science of life , one of the Traditional medical systems which Comprises of thousands of medical concepts and hypothesis and onsidered as ” MOTHER OF  ALL HEALINGS”

Ayurvedic treatments
1)Pain manegment and mobility-back ,neck ,joints,leg ,hand pain in diseases like cervical ,lumbar spondylitis,sciatica,frogmen shoulder.disc bulge ,
2)treatments for lifestyle disorders-diabetes,hypertension,obesity
3)treatments for skin disease-allergies,psorisis dermatitis,recurrent boils ,dry and itchy skin,dandruff,acne ,hyperpigmentation,

Book an Appointment

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Authentic Treatment

1) Pain manegment 2)treatments for lifestyle disorders 3)treatments for skin disease-allergies


Panchakarma is a treatment program for the body, mind, and consciousness that cleanses and rejuvenates.

Garbh Sanskar

Garbh Sanskar has a huge positive effect on both the unborn baby and the mother. Good thoughts from the mother


Suvarnaprashan consists of herbs that can help in boosting the immunity system. It can protect children from fever, cold, and cough.